About Me

Hi! I'm Sam....

My holistic health journey began over a decade ago when I experienced struggles with infertility. I knew if I wanted to have children I needed to make my health a priority and make some serious lifestyle changes. 

I began seeing a holistic minded fertility doctor and an acupuncturist to get to the root of my fertility issues. These two beautiful souls introduced me to the world of holistic health. With their guidance I began incorporating holistic and mindfulness practices into my daily life- I became more mindful of what I was putting in and on my body, began exercising regularly, reduced stress and became more mindful of my thoughts, words and actions.

And by the grace of God we were eventually blessed with two beautiful, healthy children who are the biggest gifts of our lives.

This season of life was difficult.

But I'm grateful for the experience because it opened my eyes to a completely different approach to health and better way of BEING.

Throughout this process I learned how to prioritize my health from a holistic lens which included my mind, body and spirit. This was very different from how I grew up or what I was taught in nursing school! I saw first-hand how intricately connected these areas are and how crucial it is to nourish all of them to achieve true health.

I combine many years of nursing experience with my knowledge of holistic health to better understand and help clients who are on their own health journeys.

I see people as whole unique beings, not broken, or in need of being "fixed". I consider all aspects of one's physical, mental and spiritual health to uncover root causes of issues to create optimal wellness and lasting transformation. 

This has been my experience in my own life, and as a coach, I help clients achieve similar transformations for themselves

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What is Coaching and Who is it For?

I discovered Coaching when I found The Nurse Coach Collective- a program for RNs passionate about transforming our healthcare system through holistic wellness coaching. Their program shed light on many of the issues that plague our current system- quick fixes and symptom management based on a reactive, "sick-care" model. Their mission offers a different kind of support for clients which involves getting to the root of issues, making better choices, setting and achieving goals and ultimately living healthier, more fulfilling lives. This approach resonated with me deeply and inspired to become a coach myself.

What does it look like to work with me?

  • You'll be welcomed into a safe, confidential space where you'll be held without judgement and encouraged to share whatever is on your heart or mind

  • You'll be invited to embrace an opportunity of transformation-guiding you to shift from where you are now to where you want to be more quickly and efficiently

  • Together, we will explore the root cause of your issues- there is always a deeper reason behind why we do what we do!

  • You'll be provided with a different perspective, a new way of seeing or thinking about things

  • We'll navigate negative thoughts, beliefs or patterns that may be making you feel stuck

  • You'll receive unwavering support and encouragement to create whatever it is you want to change or accomplish

I fully believe in the power of coaching- it has changed my life in unbelievable ways.

I am honored and excited to help you see what's possible in your own life!


IT IS IF YOU.......


  • Are unhappy with an area of your life and are ready to do something about it

  • Feel stuck and know you want to change, but you're not sure how or where to start

  • Bounce from job to job, relationship to relationship, place to place searching for happiness but never feel satisfied

  • Have lost your sense of self after becoming a wife or mother

  • Struggle with infertility

  • Struggle with time management, lack of motivation or productivity

  • Want to learn how to live a more holistic lifestyle to promote health and prevent disease

  • Are a "people pleaser", have a hard time saying no and creating healthy boundaries

  • Desire to have more balance in your life

  • Feel burnt out and tired of putting yourself last and you're ready to make yourself and your health a priority

  • Are an entrepreneur and need support and guidance in starting your own business

  • Feel a lack of joy or purpose in your life

Are experiencing any other issue that may be holding you back from having the life you want!

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